into the OR...

When performing surgery, manual dexterity is vital.
As an educator, do you have the confidence that your residents have all acquired the manual skills needed to perform surgery?
How do you ensure the quality of their abilities?

Practice makes perfect

As with all skills in life, practice makes perfect.
Would you confidently step into a car with someone who’s had just one driving lesson?
To become adept at something, you need to practice. A lot.

Laparoscopic skills can be practised on a conventional box trainer, but this has its problems: A conventional box does not provide feedback, so, as an educator, you have to invest time and effort to support the training. When a student is training alone, there is no record of the tasks they have performed, and there’s no way for them to determine when they are ready for the next task.

With the Lapron box trainer we’ve put all our thinking inside the box.
The sensor system, integrated in our box trainer, automatically tracks the performance of the student. This allows students to train without supervision, while still receiving feedback.
Any brand of instruments can be mounted on the Lapron boxtrainer, using the same instruments and suture materials your students will be using on the OR increases the transfer of skills to medical practice.

Features of the Lapron Boxtrainer

Learn Anywhere

The Lapron is an Instructor in a box. This allows students to train without direct supervision, while still receiving feedback.

All instrumentation

Enables the use of any 5mm instrument, meaning students always practice with appropriate, real-world instrumentation.

Plug & Play

Set up in under a minute: connect the power plug and camera and you are ready to train.

Robust & Mobile

With an integrated trolley and task tray, it’s an all-in-one mobile solution. Train anywhere even in the comfort of your own home.


Always online. View your learning curve and all your excercise online in your own portfolio that you are able to share with your educators.


The network of Lapron users have access to published benchmarks, anchoring the training results of the students in (inter)national standards.

Faster is not always better

Our philosophy is that faster is not always better. If you can complete a suture in 20 seconds that’s impressive, but if this results in rough tissue handling, it will be a safety hazard.

To address this issue the Lapron box trainer is equipped with ForceSense technology.

Not only does ForceSense measure the time taken to complete an exercise, it also measures the forces applied to the tissue and the motion of your instruments. All three factors are taken into account when evaluating an exercise.

The goal is not only to improve speed, but also dexterity and finesse. The Lapron box trainer is the only system on the market that includes a force measurement in laparoscopic training to make sure the student is working in an atraumatic way.

“It’s very important to work in an atraumatic way during surgery. The more atraumatic you operate the less trauma you induce to the tissues which will improve the recovery of the patient.”

Prof. J. Bonjer – Chair and Professor of Surgery – Amsterdam UMC


Bird's-eye view on progress

So, now your residents are training on the Lapron box trainer, in their own time.
How do you keep track of the progress each individual is making?
The ForceSense platform includes a cloud service that provides instructors with a full overview of the progress made in their courses.
Training results are stored with the actual endoscope video, so whenever a student is looking for advice, you can review the video together and discuss techniques to improve their performance.
Once all tasks have been completed you can generate a course certificate. Your student now has proof of their technical skills, and you can both be confident stepping into the OR.

Get started with the Lapron Boxtrainer

Rental for
NL students
at home training

Lapron boxtrainer exclusively available
as part of ASC courses

Rental for
AGE members
at home training

Perform MIC technical skills test
at home

Rental for
your course or

Contact us today

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About Lapron

The Lapron boxtrainer has been developed by ForceSense and the Amsterdam Skills Centre. With 17 publications, and counting, ForceSense has a sound scientific basis. ForceSense is now an integral part of the curriculum at the Amsterdam University Medical Center, and a ForceSense exam is required for certification by the German association for endoscopic gynaecology.

Our partners


By training on the Lapron boxtrainer, hundreds of trainees have already improved their technical skills. To quote some user feedback, from three different perspectives: trainers, trainees and researchers:

Prof. dr. J. Bonjer
Chair and Professor of Surgery
Amsterdam UMC

The Lapron boxtrainer allows the trainee to train at home, the trainee has the learning environment at his or her fingertips. Of course this is wonderful but you cannot train all by yourself, you need feedback from your mentor. The Lapron boxtrainer allows that interaction between the mentor and the trainee and that’s a wonderful asset.

Prof. dr. Donald L. van der Peet
Professor of Surgery
Amsterdam UMC

By using the Lapron boxtrainer we can really notice if there is any incremental change in proficiency, if there is any added valiue using a box like this. So it not only provides the competences that are necessary but also a possibility to do some research and provide the residents with better instructions.

Dr. N. van Suijdam
Trainee having worked with the
Lapron boxtrainer

It gives you a lot more confidence, more confidence in yourself that you don’t damage the tissue in the body. You don’t have think about how you do it because it comes naturally after training. So, you are much more confident in the OR after training.

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ForceSense BV
Molengraaffsingel 12
2629 JD Delft
The Netherlands